Horrible Guild Similo Fantastic Beasts angleška izdaja - Sodelovalna igra za družinske trenutke - Privlačna igra za 7+ let, 10 min, 2- 8 igralcev; vključuje slovenska pravila

Horrible Guild

  • €12,00

V Similu iščeš skrivne like, v tej verziji like iz sveta Magičnih živali

👥 2–8 😊 7+ ⏱ 15 min

Igro začnemo tako, da iz kupčka vzamemo 12 kart in eno izžrebamo. To je naš skrivni lik. 🧙

Potem jo vrneš med izžrebanih 12 in jih razporediš v mrežo 3x4. 🕸️

Ti daješ namige, ostali igralci skupaj ugibajo. Iz kupčka povlečeš 5 novih kart in izbereš eno. Če je skrivni lik podoben tej karti, potem karto postaviš navpično, če ji ni, potem pa vodoravno. 🔍

Recimo, da je skrivni lik koza. Če boš dal namig ovco 🐑 jo boš postavil navpično, saj sta si ovca in koza podobni, če pa boš igral kuro 🐔, potem jo boš dal pa vodoravno.

Nato so na vrsti tvoji soigralci, ki morajo izločiti eno žival. ❌

To ponovite še 4-krat, tako da v drugem krogu soigralci izločijo dve, v 3. tri in v 4. štiri karte. 🙈

Ostali bosta samo še dve karti. Z zadnjim namigom morajo izločiti edino preostalo napačno žival. Če jim uspe, ste zmagali. Našli se kozo. 🤣🤣

To je angleška izdaja igre Similo Fantastic Beasts; vključuje slovenska pravila.

"This new Wizarding World edition of the critically acclaimed deduction game comes with a deck of 39 big cards beautifully illustrated by Naïade, showing the portrait and the name of a series of characters from the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them universe.

Fans will try to guess a secret character from the Wizarding World among the twelve displayed on the table. They’ll be assisted by the Clue Giver, who plays cards from their hand as clues, stating whether they are similar to or different from the secret character.

For example, the Clue Giver must lead the Guessers to identify Jacob Kowalski. They could play the Murtlap vertically, to imply that the Secret Character is related to Newt Scamander, was bitten by the Murtlap, or is a positive character. Or, they might play Percival Graves horizontally to point out that the Secret Character is a No-Maj, is not a negative character, or it has no grey hair… it will be up to the Guessers to understand what the Clue Giver is trying to suggest!

You can also mix and match different versions by using one deck for the characters and the other for the Clues… will you guess which character has something in common with The Headless Horseman, the Werewolf, and the Ghost from Similo: Spookies?

⚠️ OPOZORILO: Ni primerno za otroke, mlajše od 3 let. ⚠️

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