Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam EN

Days of Wonder

  • €21,00


Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam se odvija v 17. stoletju - severne Benetke so najpremožnejše mesto na zemeljski obli.

👥 2–4 😊 8+ ⏱ 15 min

V tej poenostavljeni verziji klasike Ticket to Ride, igralci tekmujejo, kdo bo povezal najdonosnejše točke Amsterdama, zaključil trgovske poti in ob tem nabral še dragocene dobrine. Amsterdam je namreč svoj čas bil srce svetovne trgovine.

"Welcome to the 17th century and the Dutch Golden Age! Amsterdam is the beating heart of global trade and the richest city on Earth. In this fast-paced, 15-minute Ticket to Ride game, race to claim the most lucrative commercial routes around the city, fulfil trade contracts and collect precious merchandise. Ideal for both beginners and seasoned players looking for a new challenge!"

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