NSV Snowhere Natureline International večjezična izdaja - Izjemna sodelovalna družabna igra - za 8+ let, 20 min, za 1-99 igralcev


  • €12,00

Samo 5 na voljo!

Sodelovalna igra, kjer poskušaš pogasiti požar.

👥 1-99 😊 8+ ⏱ 20 min

Snowhere je zelo posebna igra. Na eni strani karte je ogenj, na drugi pa sneg.

Karte nakljčno razbrkljaš po mizi, potem pa vsako potezo eno obrneš na snežno stran tako, da prekriješ čim več ognja.

Premikaš lahko samo karte, ki so v celoti vidne. Se pravi, da jih druge karte ne prekrivajo.

Če vam uspe pogasiti požar 🔥zmagate, če ne pa izgubite. ❄️

"Snowhere is to use snow cards to extinguish all the fire in play. To set up the game, spread the 111 cards fire-side up on the table in a single mass so that none of the cards are separated from one another. On a turn, a player picks up a fire card that is either uncovered or covered by at most a sliver of one other card. Turn the card over. If it shows a giant snowflake, set it aside; otherwise, use it to cover one or more of the fire cards still in play. You cannot cover a fire card one-to-one, but must cover part of the playing area (along with fire) with the snow card or cover part of another snow card already in play."

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