Difference SI/HR/EN


  • €13,00

Obvestite me, ko bo Difference SI/HR/EN ponovno na zalogi.

Difference je čudovita igra s kartami, pri kateri iščemo razlike na kartah.
👥 2-6 😊 8+ ⏱ 20min

V tej družinski družabni igri, primerni tudi za otroke, iščemo razlike na čudovitih kartah. Ko opaziš dve razliki med tvojo karto in karto na sredini, se znabiš svoje karte. Igralec, ki se prvi znebi vseh kart, zmaga.

"Place one card in the middle of the table and then deal the rest out to players evenly. Each player looks at the top card of their deck and tries to spot the two differences between their card and the one in the middle. When the player correctly spots the Difference, they place their card on top of the middle card and the game continues. The first player to be rid of all their cards wins! With 2 double-sided decks showing 4 different pictures, you will be hunting for hours!"

Osnovni nivo, Odlične za uvajanje, Narava, Fantazijska, Pustolovska, Spomin

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