NSV Hungry Hamsters (Hamstern) nemška izdaja - Mega mini družabna igra s kockami - Kopanje rovov, nabiranje gob in orehov - za 8+ let, 5 min, za 2-6 igralcev


  • €5,00

Samo 1 na voljo!

Mega mini igra s kockami, kjer nabiraš gobe in orehe!

👥 2–6 😊 8+ ⏱ 5 min

Požrešni hrčki je fina otroška in družinska igra kopanja rovov. 🌪️

Vsi igralci igrate istočasno, samo vrzi kocko in prekrižaj število polj, kot ti narekuje kocka. 🎲 Igrate toliko časa dokler eden izmed igralcev v celoti na zapolni 4-ih votlin.

Točke dobite za dokončane votline ⛰️ nabrane gobe 🍄 in orehe🌰. Kdor zbere največ točk pa zmaga. 🎉

"Nut, nut hooray! Winter is coming and sufficient supplies have to be gathered beforehand. Yet only completely filled chambers can fill your stomach and score points. For achieving that goal it is mandatory to fill as many connected squares in your cave as the die shows. If the rolled number is higher than the available space you have to start a new chamber. Can you fill all the chambers completely before the time runs out?"

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